Wednesday 8 April 2015

The in-between state

I firmly believe that change is as good as a holiday, but as we say goodbye to our old home, we are not able to move directly to our new place, so the change feels delayed. Now that we are staying with my parents, I am able to focus on my current state of being, rather than just focusing on the next step and moving forward. While I was secretly dreading this in-between stage and had hoped to avoid it, I realise that it has been the most healthy thing for me, to stop and reflect on where my work journey and home life is going. It has been most refreshing. 

I am a doer, I dream and then I do my best to move in the direction I feel that dream is taking me. So it has been hard to have to stop and not feel like I am moving forward with our new venture, and having to wait has proven to be tougher than I thought.

The reflecting aspect has meant that I can see the dream in a broader context. I have been able to put certain things into perspective, but most significantly, I have felt affirmed that I am heading in the right direction in order to achieve my goals.

The most exciting thing however, is to see how much support I have had from both my students and friends, and the fact that my students are eager to get started with lessons again, proves to me that I am fulfilling my role with what I am actually offering as a music teacher. It tells me that my core roll in this industry is meaningful and worth something, and that is the nudge I have been needing to propel me to the next level. 

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