Monday, 3 February 2014

Hello Feb

So this is my first blog of the year simply because so much has been happening, I have not made the time to write. I was planning on notating about my last few days of teaching at Rustenburg, but things were hectic and emotional (in a good way) and there were farewells and birthday celebrations to be had. Of course don't forget & friends' family time over Christmas and New Year. I do have a few pictures that I will put up soon.

On this side of the New Year, I have been getting my business up and running. I have bigger plans for the business, but until then, it is to run my music school from home. I have also been blessed to have a part-time job and to be doing a few other odds and ends (gigging and temping a bit), which are a tremendous help financially while I build up my student (client?) base.

I have also managed to do some spring-cleaning in our home, I've learnt to pickle onions and jalapeno peppers (next is to make them into chilli poppers), I've been able to do more gardening, went on a killer hike, read my bible more, went to the gym a few more times and got into a better cleaning routine. I have also started using Instagram and Twitter. I have been so busy doing things that I feel are important for me to be doing, and I feel so happy and relaxed for it. Even though it's only the second month of the year, but so far, so good and I'm not complaining!

I still have a lot of other things that I want to do this year and I hope that blogging will be one of those. I hope to blog more consistently about all the awesome things I get to experience living in Cape Town.

Our Garden

1 comment:

  1. So lovely to read about your life! I enjoyed reading this post :)
