Thursday 26 June 2014

Not Music!

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I have been doing a lot of crocheting while my students have been doing their exams. Mostly because it is much easier than knitting or any other craft I have ever tried, and I have come to find incredibly therapeutic. I won't bore you with all the things I have been making, but it has been so wonderful to finally have a hobby. Being a musician, whether you are playing or teaching, you are constantly thinking about music, playing music or singing music. It's everywhere. It means that my mind never seems to really rest, except when I'm sleeping. I usually sleep incredibly well and my thoughts during the day are all over the place. I'm usually thinking of about 40+ things at the same time, but since I started crocheting, I find that my thoughts are more focused and clear. Oddly enough I haven't been sleeping very well since then. Any way, I'm not really bothered about sleep, doesn't seem to be affecting me during the day. 

On Wednesday I popped in to the school at where I used to teach. It was so lovely to see some of the teachers again and so incredibly strange at the same time. They all said I looked so relaxed and they all reminded me that they were busy wrapping up the term with writing up reports. Not that I really need to be reminded of how hectic this time of year is for teachers, I see it at the school where I am now, but it is amazing how quickly we forget. This time last year, and the two years before that I was in the same position as all of them. Now, I can honestly say that I do not miss doing that or any of the stress or pressure that comes with it. In fact, I have been enjoying having more time and not feeling like I am always on the go.

I don't think that I am a person who can ever really feel bored. I am quite a busy body and always have different things on the go, but it really is so wonderful to feel that I can do other things without feeling guilty about it. Why, because I am not procrastinating by not doing the things that I want to do. In fact, quite the opposite. While we are certainly feeling a bit of a financial pinch, it is so worth it and the freedom has allowed my creative spirit to reunite again. :-)

Hopefully some encouragement for you today is that sometimes we just have to let go of things that we think are important and go where our heart longs to be.

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