Monday 23 June 2014


This year I have subscribed to all the big social networks that I can handle. I know that there are so many more, but it has been worth connecting with people in these ways. I have come to realise, however, that you can be all 'hooked up' with every social media possible but nothing beats networking face-to-face.

While social networks may be your initial link to somebody, meeting people in person has so much strength. I have realised  this due to the fact that in the last two weeks I have met some of the most amazing people. 

During the time that the school learners have been writing exams, I have spent a lot of time chatting to people about how I can get my name out there more. My one student said to me that he went to the Paul Bothner Music Shop in Plumstead and they all knew who I was when he was asked who is his teacher. I remembered that I used to go there often as a student. I knew a lot of the guys working there and even when I went to drop off my cards, they remembered who I am. This is not the case with the Claremont shop and I realised that I need to start going there more often. 

I happened to be stuck in Bergvliet in the main road traffic just outside the new Marshall Music. Since I had recently been discussing with my student that I need to get the music shops to know who I am, I figured that I might as well stop there. I am so glad that I did, because I met the best salesmen that I have ever met. He was friendly, but most impressively he actually knew what he was talking about. I haven't bought an instrument in such a long time, it was a good learning experience to find out what saxophones  and clarinets are currently going for and what is actually available and affordable for students. I felt that when I left the shop, I could do business with these people and certainly send my students to them. They benefit and so do I. Maybe it's a female thing, but I want to feel comfortable when I enter a shop, especially if I have any intention of spending money there or sending other people there. I was impressed.

Another person who I met is a lady who recently moved to Cape Town from Prague. She has married a South African man and has started her piano studio here. It sounds like it is doing really well already, but it was lovely to meet her and potentially work with her in the future. The great thing is that we are similar in age and we have similar concepts for our studios. Accompanists are always needed for wind players and so it is incredibly important that I build relationships with accompanists.

I have also been rehearsing a classical saxophone and piano duet. This is with another friend of mine who is super talented on many instruments. I don't want to say too much about this just yet, so watch this space.

Being a qualified music teacher has afforded me the opportunity of temping for other teachers when they are either sick or go away. I am going to be temping again next term at a school in Town. This job was brought to me through an old college friend, again a testament to networking.

A part of networking that is so important, is to keep good relationships with people you work with. While invigilating is not the most stimulating activity, it pays. I am most likely going to be doing some matric invigilating at both the current school I teach and the old school. I must admit I am a tad excited to potentially be seeing some of my old colleagues again. Such lovely people.

Well, I think that we all know that life is 'about the journey'. The exciting thing about this concept is that we are always able to experience new things and meet new people. 


  1. Exciting times!!! I'm glad you're feeling encouraged by all the networking, keep it up :) xx
