Wednesday 12 March 2014

"To blog or not to blog?" That is the question!

I think there is always a question in our minds. There is always something that we are asking ourselves. For me, I am consistently re-evaluating if what I am doing in my life is actually where I want to be or if it is going to get me to where I want to be. A little over a year ago someone suggested that I start blogging in an attempt to show people what I do. A sort of ‘on-line’ CV. Even though the thought of blogging terrified me (I did not know much about it at the time) I liked the idea of keeping a record of things that I was doing. Whether it was about my work at school or personal experiences or even writing reviews of shows I went to watch, I started blogging. 

I found that I often blogged about really odd things. The purpose has always been to make each blog short and to the point. Even if it was just a picture, but I started to realise that sometimes being random for the sake of posting something is pretty pointless because as I re-evaluated my purpose for the blog, I realised that I wanted so much more out of it than I was giving. So I decided to devote more time to it. I had a plan at the beginning of the year and felt that I started strong. But unfortunately, all good things take time, and as I started to get more temporary teaching jobs, time is what I haven’t had. Don’t get me wrong, I have been so incredibly grateful for the work. But it has once again got me thinking about my priorities in life. Yes, we need food and money to survive, yes I am doing what I love for a living and yes sometimes we have to do the necessary rather than what we want, but I have come to realise that I really want blogging to be a bigger part of my life. 

I started following more blogs in the last holidays and I learnt a lot of useful tips. I read other people’s opinions about various matters and I found that I started to see the value in blogging and bloggers and this whole community. I now have a new appreciation for people who blog as a living.

So, this week I will finish another temp job and my life goes back to ‘normal’ next week. My hope is that I can blog more regularly and that it will become part of my everyday life. Like a job, but in a more creative space.

I hope that I can become part of this blogging community. Even though what I have to offer is not fashion, make-up or DIY related. Because it will be about my life, and what I have to offer. My life as a music teacher and future music school owner, my life as a musician and all the adventures this takes me on, my life as a music lover and the awesome things I get to absorb and learn while listening and watching others perform and my life as a Capetonian and wife of an IT guy who plays the drums!  I’m not sure if that sounds as appealing as fashion, make-up or DIY, and I don’t plan to use this as my dark secret diary, so don’t get too excited, but here it goes.

If anyone is actually reading these please follow me and comment, it would be so helpful to know if what I’m writing is appealing to anyone J


  1. Hey Robyn, I can definitely say blogging is something you'll find great pleasure in. After all, we actually met having that discussion about blogging at Grahamstown (while sipping tea)! For me, blogging has become a big part of my life. Like you said, it started as a kind of CV - but mine has evolved into something way more rewarding than what I initially thought it would. I mean, I don't have loads of followers and what I write about might not be that interesting to everyone. But it's helped me to take stock of my life and held me accountable to myself in a sense. The musician/artist lifestyle is the most interesting thing to me and blogging has really fleshed out how great and sometimes how absurd it all is! I mean, I constantly look back at posts I wrote yonks ago and reminds me how far its come.

    So, I'd definitely encourage you to carry on going with it. Besides, I'd love to read how your journey as a musician pans out. Here's to typing away....! :D

  2. Go for it, Robs! I'm reading :) If you keep at it and regularly re-evaluate your purpose, I'm sure you'll find your niche :)

  3. Thank you for the encouragement, it really means a lot to me :-)
